Do you wantto experience astral project?

Are you attracted to the idea of independent out-of-body travel in space? Or do you want to connect with your loved ones who have already left this world?

Do you perceive that there is something more than the physical world around you and you want real experiences rather than just meditative visualizations?

Astral projection is a life-changing experience!

Welcome to Astral Projection.

The biggest portal about astral projection in the world.

What awaits mein the astral projection course

Deep knowledge, guides, practice, and fun. You will learn absolutely everything about astral projection.




Getting Acquainted with astral projection

In the introduction, we will bring you closer to this admirable phenomenon, when you are standing completely real next to your physical body that is calmly resting. There is much more to astral projection than meets the eye at first glance. Together, we will lift the veil of mystery.

Practice and more practice - how to ascend astraly

Every third recording is purely practical. Together we will progress step by step. From mastering your own mind, physical body, telekinesis to out-of-body travel. You will gain many new skills that will enrich your life.

The most interesting questions gathered in practice

We have been helping you astrally project since 2010. We have answered thousands of questions and so we know what most often interests you and what your concerns are. In the course, you will learn absolutely everything about astral projection. And everything comes from practice, no theory or conjectures.

Inspiring stories of astral travelers

From communicating with the dead, through our astral wanderings around the world. Telepathy, telekinesis, reading the future. Get inspired by the real stories of other astral travelers and absorb the atmosphere of your future life.

Myths about astral projection

Really looking forward to this part, because the biggest scares are put out on the internet by people who know almost nothing about astral projection. We will debunk many myths indeed. Can another entity control me? Will I get lost in the astral and die?

Utilizing astral projection in your life

Completely practical use of astral projection. Create your life with astral force, which must necessarily reflect into matter! What life will you create? Thanks to astral projection, you will feel on your own soul what your life's purpose is right now.

Streamingaudio portal

You can immediately listen to the Astral Projection course in your client section on the computer, or via a mobile application on Android or iOS.

Enriching bonusesworth $175 - now free with the course

71 audio articles on astral projection

A large dose of inspiration and stories. When practicing astral projection, it is very important to surround yourself with this topic. That's why, in addition to a comprehensive course, we will unlock 71 audio articles for you that will take you much deeper into the topic of the astral world and the life of astral travelers.

Bonus price: $94

Free for you

Basics of lucid dreaming

Lucid dreams are a playground for astral projection. Therefore, we will unlock the Basics of Lucid Dreaming for you completely free of charge, to further support astral projection. Tip: You can actually get into the astral world from a lucid dream, but we will use it a little differently.

Bonus price: $66

Free for you

Astral jevel

A beautiful amulet of the astral traveler. Wear it all day to remind you that you are an astral traveler, or use it very ritually - put it on before practicing astral projection and feel its force. The force of all astral travelers who stand by your side.

Bonus price: $15

Free for you

Course including bonuses27 hours of recordings + astral jewel

71 Audio articles on
Astral Projection
Basic of
Lucid Dreaming
Astral Jewel





Experiencesof other travelers

More than 3,000 people have already gone through the course, successfully experiencing out-of-body experiences.

“I astrally traveled! In the astral world it feels normal to me, no excitement, as if I was at home. Then it occurred to me to look at my body lying in bed. It was there! A blue aura started coming out of it, which within a second illuminated my flesh, skin, and organs until I saw my skeleton. There was an incredibly strong energy emanating from it. And I've only been astrally traveling for a month!“


“My first astral outing lasted only 5 seconds, but it was amazing! I look forward to my next visit. There, I realized that it is almost ridiculous to 'get upset'. I just let go, just was...”


“I already felt as if an astral mask was peeling off my face, starting from the nose. Well, I was outside. Then that day I went out several more times and tried to see what everyone was doing. But I knew where everyone was and that they were working, so that wasn't enough proof for me, I could make that up myself. It occurred to me to look at the clock and return immediately, and indeed the clock showed the exact time to the minute.”


“I proved it to myself. When I was returning astrally, I looked at the bathroom cabinet with a mirror from the top and right in the middle was an electrical cable for lighting. Well, when I got a chair and looked there, it was there!“


“Before sleep, I put on a meditation from the course and after a while, I was in a total trance. Suddenly my whole body vibrated, within a few seconds I was as light as a feather and I rose to the ceiling. I was so close that I could see a poorly filled hole in the ceiling. I was a little scared so I was immediately back in my body. For another half an hour, I had goosebumps all over my body and I was experiencing euphoric states. After two demanding days, I was suddenly full of strength. That's hardly possible! It's great, amazing, terrific, fantastic, light, gentle, spontaneous, unexpected, fully lived, and I don't know what else. It's simply an experience for a lifetime. I look forward to the next one.“


“I stepped out of the Matrix and know there's no way back. But who would actually want that, right?“


Sidrisastral traveler

He has been studying the phenomenon of astral travel since he was 12, which led to his first astral journey at the age of 17. He is the founder and creator of this project. Everything you will learn in it is based on his personal experiences and the experiences of other real astral travelers.

The course was created, among other things, using the latest technology, which helped us with translation and recording voiceovers. Therefore, please forgive any minor inconsistencies in translation that may occur. For the first time in history, we are connecting us, astral travelers, all over the planet Earth and breaking down language barriers. Enjoy to the fullest the practical methods in the recordings that will unlock your ability to astral project.